Welcome to the Ayurvedic Health Clinic

  • ALG - 21, Pushpa Complex, Hisar-125001
  • Mon to Sat 10:00am to 8:00pm

Nature’s Cure, Ayurveda’s Touch – Revive Your Health Naturally

Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Hisar

Physiotherapy: A Natural Way to Heal and Stay Active Physiotherapy is a healthcare practice that helps people recover from injuries, manage pain, and improve movement. It focuses on exercises, massages,

Best Back Pain Treatment Ayurvedic Doctor in Hisar

Back Pain: A Common Health Issue & the Need for the Right Treatment Back pain is a common health problem that affects people of all ages. Long working hours, poor

Ayurvedic Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain (Katigraha) – An Ayurvedic Perspective Lower back pain, known as Katigraha in Ayurveda, is a common issue affecting people of all ages. It can range from mild

Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches for Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever: Causes, Symptoms & Ayurvedic Approach Typhoid fever is a serious bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Typhi. It spreads mainly through contaminated food and water, making it common in

Best Liver Specialist Doctor in Hisar

Introduction: Liver Health The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. It helps in digestion, removes toxins, and keeps us healthy. A healthy liver means a

Best Gastroenterologist in Hisar

Introduction: Gastroenterologist Good digestive health is essential for overall well-being. A healthy digestive system ensures proper absorption of nutrients and removes toxins from the body. However, many people suffer from

Bhagandar ka Ilaj: भगंदर आयुर्वेदिक उपचार ,हिसार -125001,हरियाणा

परिचय: भगंदर (Fistula) Bhagandar ka Ilaj: भगंदर, जिसे आयुर्वेद में “भगंदर रोग” कहा जाता है, गुदा (anus) के पास एक असामान्य फोड़ा या नलीनुमा मार्ग बनने की स्थिति होती है।

List of Ayurvedic Treatments

आयुर्वेद: प्राकृतिक स्वास्थ्य का आधार आयुर्वेद भारत की प्राचीन चिकित्सा पद्धति है, जो हजारों सालों से लोगों को स्वस्थ जीवन जीने का मार्ग दिखा रही है। यह सिर्फ एक चिकित्सा

Finding the Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Hisar: A Comprehensive Guide

आयुर्वेदिक उपचार प्रणाली आयुर्वेद, जीवन का प्राचीन विज्ञान, एक समग्र उपचार प्रणाली है जिसका अभ्यास भारत में 5,000 वर्षों से अधिक समय से किया जा रहा है। मन, शरीर और